In the OT, David is fondly remembered as the great king of Israel who was strong in courage and sensitive in heart. Apart from kingly work, David was inspired to compose music and psalms in praise of God. His gifts and talents were used of God to shape the worship experience of Israel. The Book of Psalms, which includes 73 attributed to David, have historically served as the prayerbook and hymnal for the People of God. We read, pray and worship with the Psalms.

When the Samaritan woman at the well enquired about worship, Jesus assured her that a new era had dawned when God’s People would freely worship in diverse places. In reality, Jesus promised: “But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24 NLT)

True worship is not defined by culture, tradition, rituals or location. Jesus directs our attention to the Father who initiates worship by seeking out true worshippers who engage in spirit and in truth. By the Spirit of God and by the Word of God, worship is an act of submission and devotion to the Father. We are invited to worship with our whole being and with our whole life. Therefore, true worship exalts the Triune God and edifies the People of God. True worship is deeply personal and spiritual. But it is also communal and sacramental.

As we reflect on our current experience of worship, perhaps it is timely to review our practices and expectations. What affects your personal engagement in worship? Are you sensitive to the style and genre of music? Are you inspired by the beauty of the sanctuary? Are you edified by the preaching? Are you able to focus on who God is and what He is communicating to you? Are you encouraged to pray and to praise God? Do you contemplate the presence of God and remain open to His Spirit at work in your life? Do you come prepared to worship and to offer your gifts to the Lord with a grateful heart? Do you sense the joy, unity and celebration of faith in the company of God’s people? Do you feel energized to live the rest of the week as an act of worship to God?

Jesus emphasizes the priority and significance of worship. We need to realize that the Father is looking for true worshippers. Therefore the question is not “Do you enjoy corporate worship at WVBC?” but “Is the Father pleased with our worship?” The former question is prompted by a consumer mindset while the latter is guided by a heart of devotion and discipline.